Page 1 - Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology
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Urological Health

                                 Laparoscopic surgery in urology

        Laparoscopy is a technique that enables surgery to be performed through a series of
        “keyhole” incisions.

            aparoscopy is a surgical technique in which the       In urology, laparoscopic techniques can be used
        Labdominal and pelvic organs can be examined              to remove, biopsy or repair damaged or diseased
        and operated on through a series of “keyhole”             portions of the urinary system, including the adrenal
        incisions rather than one larger incision  required       glands, the kidneys, their drainage system, the
        for traditional “open” abdominal cavity surgery.          bladder and the prostate. Kidney donation for
        This surgical approach is used in different surgical      transplantation can be carried out laparoscopically.
        specialties. Many surgeries of the urinary system can     Some young boys with an undescended testicle can
        be performed using this technique.                        be managed with this approach.

        Traditionally, operations have been carried out           As technology improves, laparoscopic techniques
        through an incision large enough to expose the            will be applied to more complex types of surgery.
        affected organ. This requires cutting muscle and tissue   These procedures, however, are not appropriate for
        layers which can weaken them and result in a long         all patients or all types of surgery; some problems
        recovery period. Today, a video camera attached           and some patients are still best managed with open
        to a narrow “scope” can be introduced into the            surgery. In some cases, during laparoscopic surgery
        abdominal cavity to visualize surgery performed with      a surgeon may decide that the procedure would be
        specialized instruments through keyhole incisions. The    completed more safely or effectively through a larger
        smaller “keyhole” incisions produce less pain and         incision, necessitating conversion to traditional “open”
        shorten recovery from surgery and return to normal        surgery.
                                                                  Before your laparoscopic surgery

                                                                  The preparation for laparoscopic surgery is similar
                                                                  to that of traditional surgery. If you are taking blood
                                                                  thinners, you should discuss this with your urologist.
                                                                  You may be asked to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen
                                                                  (e.g. Advil , blood thinners and any vitamin or herbal
                                                                  supplements before surgery to reduce the risk of
                                                                  bleeding and unexpected drug interactions. Other

                                                                  medications should be continued as usual. Please
                                                                  ask your urologist if you have any question regarding

                                                                  Laparoscopic surgery is carried out under general
                                                                  anesthesia (you will be “put to sleep”). You will
                                                                  receive specific instructions regarding fasting and
                                                                  limiting oral fluids for several hours before your surgery.
                                                                  Your health status may be reviewed pre-operatively
                                                                  with the doctor managing your anesthetic, the
                                                                  anesthesiologist. Additional investigations may be
                                                                  recommended if there is any concern about your
                                                                  heart or lung function which may be stressed with

                                                                                             Continued on next page
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