Page 1 - Use of 5 ARI's in Clinical Practice: A Canadian Position
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Urological Health
                                 5ARIs in BPH treatment and

                                 prostate cancer prevention

        What is the prostate?                                     5ARIs for the treatment of BPH

        The prostate is a small gland about the size and shape    The treatment of BPH is determined by the severity
        of a walnut. It is located just below the bladder and is   and how much you are bothered by your symptoms.
        wrapped around the male urethra, the passageway           It is also determined by your general health and your
        that carries urine from the bladder through the           personal preferences. After consideration of various
        penis during urination. The prostate secretes fluid,      factors, your urologist may recommend a 5-alpha
        which forms part of the semen in which sperm are          reductase inhibitor (5ARI) to control your symptoms.
                                                                  5ARIs (e.g. Proscar , Avodart ) block the hormones
        What is benign prostatic                                  that stimulate the prostate to grow and actually shrink
                                                                  the prostate. They are most effective in men with a
        hyperplasia (BPH)?                                        large prostate. It takes some time for a 5ARI to shrink
                                                                  the prostate, so improvement in urination symptoms
        As men age, it is common for the prostate to              may not be noticed for up to six months. Side effects
        grow. This increase in size is called benign prostatic    include a decrease in semen volume and less
        hyperplasia (BPH). This growth may not cause any          frequently a loss of sexual desire (libido) and difficulties
        problems, but about half of men who have it will have     with erections. 5ARIs can be taken together with an
        symptoms. The most common symptoms caused                 alpha-blocker (e.g. Flomax , Xatral , RAPAFLO ) to
        by BPH include problems with urination, a delayed         give you the best control of your symptoms. Alpha-
        urination, a weak urine flow, an urge to urinate,         blockers relax the muscle in and around the prostate
        leaking, or sometimes dribbling in your underwear.        gland and the bladder opening to relieve your
        BPH is NOT cancer.                                        symptoms and make urination easier.

        How do you know that you have BPH?                        What monitoring is necessary when

        It is usually symptoms like the ones described above      you are taking a 5ARI for BPH?
        that will cause you to see a doctor. The doctor will
        need to do some tests to confirm your diagnosis of BPH.   If you have BPH, your doctor will monitor your PSA
                                                                  levels before you start taking a 5ARI. Your PSA levels
        Your doctor will ask you a number of questions to         will be measured again about six months later and at
        determine how severe your symptoms are and if these       least once a year afterwards. Your PSA usually drops
        symptoms bother you. Your prostate will be examined       when you are on a 5ARI. If your PSA levels rise while on
        with a gloved, lubricated finger in the rectum. This is   a 5ARI, further testing may be done to make sure that
        called a digital rectal exam (DRE), which is done to      you do not have prostate cancer. An elevated level
        determine if the prostate is enlarged. You may be         of PSA while you are on a 5ARI does NOT necessarily
        asked to provide a urine sample to ensure that you        mean you have prostate cancer.
        do not have any infection. A prostate specific antigen
        (PSA) blood test will likely be suggested, which is
        used to rule out cancer in some men. If the PSA is                                   Continued on next page
        elevated, it does not necessarily mean that you have
        prostate cancer, as BPH can also cause the PSA to be
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