Page 1 - Testicular Cancer
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Urological Health

                                 Testicular cancer

        A lump in the testicle may be a worrisome sign and should be investigated by a medical

           esticular cancer is a frightening condition for men    Staging
        Tand their loved ones. Most often it is diagnosed
        in young men who are typically not expected to be         Depending on the type of testicular cancer, the results
        faced with a diagnosis of cancer. It is actually the      of your blood tests and the results of your CT scans,
        most common type of cancer found in young men             you will then be assigned a stage of testicular cancer.
        in Canada. It is also one of the most curable cancers     The stage of the cancer is determined by the extent
        men can have. The testicles are the main male             of the cancer. Stage I is found only in the testicle,
        reproductive organs located in the scrotum. Testicular    Stage II is also in the lymph nodes of the abdomen,
        cancer occurs when cancer cells develop in one or         and Stage III has spread beyond the lymph nodes
        both testicles. It is usually diagnosed after finding a   of the abdomen. Treatment will depend on these
        lump or a growth in or around one of the testicles.       factors as well as your preference after hearing about
        It can also be diagnosed after noticing pain, a dull      the advantages and disadvantages of each form of
        ache or heaviness in the scrotum. There are many          therapy.
        factors that are considered when deciding treatment
        for your testicular cancer.
        Risk factors                                              The initial step in treatment is to remove the testicle.
                                                                  This is done through a small incision in the lower
        There are a number of known risk factors that can         abdomen and is referred to as a radical orchiectomy.
        increase your chances of developing testicular
        cancer. If you had a testicle that was not completely     Depending on the stage of your cancer, there are a
        descended into the scrotum at birth, if you have a        number of treatment options available. For patients
        personal history or a family history of testicular cancer,   with Stage I cancer one of the options is surveillance
        or if you have a history of infertility (difficulty getting   which involves regular blood tests and CT scans.
        a partner pregnant), these may increase your risk of      For higher stage cancer the treatment options may
        testicular cancer. Most of the time, however, we do       include chemotherapy (drugs that destroy cancer
        not know what caused the cancer to develop.               cells), radiation (high energy x-rays that kill cancer
                                                                  cells), or more surgery. There are side effects from
        Diagnosis                                                 these more aggressive treatments that are important
                                                                  to discuss with your physicians. The ultimate aim of
        There are common tests that all males who are             treatment is to minimize the risks of testicular cancer
        diagnosed with testicular cancer go through. The first    recurrence and the side effects of treatment. The
        step is a physical exam by a physician to determine if    majority of men are cured and go back to living full
        any abnormalities can be felt. This is usually followed   and productive lives.
        by an ultrasound (a machine that uses sound waves
        to look inside of the scrotum and testicles). If a        Many times, in men interested in having children in the
        suspicious area is identified, your physician will order   future, your physician may recommend to have sperm
        further blood tests.  These blood tests will include      “banked” for use at a later date. It is important to
        various tumour markers which are substances               consider this early in the course of your treatment plan
        produced by some testicular tumours. A CT scan            as various treatments can impact the number and
        of your abdomen and pelvis with a chest x-ray or a        quality of your sperm.
        CT scan of your chest is also required to determine
        the spread of the cancer. The next step is usually to
        remove the testicle through a small incision in your
        lower abdomen to confirm the diagnosis and establish                                 Continued on next page
        the type of cancer you have.
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