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Urological Health

                                 Ureteric stenting

                                 Discharge instructions

        A ureteric stent is put in to relieve a block in your ureter in order to help your kidney drain urine

        What is a ureteric stent?                                 Will I have symptoms when I have a stent?

        The reason for a ureteric stent is either to relieve a block   Although some patients don’t notice a difference with
        in your ureter or to help your kidney drain urine. The    a stent in place, others may have some of the following
        ureter (see diagram) is the tube draining urine from      symptoms.
        each kidney into the bladder. A ureteric stent (see
        diagram) is a thin plastic tube that sits inside the ureter,   •  It is not unusual to have some bladder ache or pain,
        going from the kidney to the bladder, that lets urine       especially when urinating.
        drain freely.                                             •  You may feel that you must urinate immediately or
                                                                    urinate more often
                                                                  •  You may see small amounts of blood in your urine
                    Diagram of the kidneys                        •  You may pass small blood clots.
                       and ureteric stent
                                                                  •  You may have mild backache when you urinate.
                                                                    This is not harmful.  It is related to backflow of urine
                                                                    toward the kidney through the stent (urine usually
                                                                    moves from kidney to bladder, not bladder to kidney).
                                                                      This happens when urine bypasses the special one-
                                                                    way valve that normally stops such backflow.
                                              kidney              •  It may seem that these symptoms (which are normal)
                                                                    get worse with physical activity* because the stent
                                                                    may irritate the bladder. *You may need to limit
                                                                    strenuous physical activity while a ureteric stent is
                                                                    in place.

                                              stent               How will I manage these symptoms?

                                                                  •  Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol™) or ibuprofen (e.g.,
                                              bladder               Advil™) will usually control any ache or pain
                                                                  •  For a more serious ache or pain, your  physician may
                                              urethra               prescribe a stronger painkiller, such as acetaminophen
                                                                     with codeine (Tylenol #3™).
                                                                  •  Frequent or really strong urges to urinate, may be
                                                                    relieved by using medication that relaxes urinary
                                                                    muscles, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan™), tolterodine,
        How long must I have the stent?                             (Detrol™), or tamsulosin (Flomax™).
        A ureteric stent is not permanent. You may have a stent   Although symptoms related to your stent may be
        for a few days or several months. The stent eventually    upsetting, they do not cause any serious physical
        must be removed or replaced as it can become              damage and will disappear once the ureteric stent
        blocked with body waste.                                  is removed.

                                                                                             Continued on next page
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