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           • PSA monitoring every 3 months, and consider testosterone measurement.
           • Imaging at baseline, at PSA nadir (or best response), and annually unless biochemical or clinical progression.

           Product Monographs    *

             Monitoring Parameter             Docetaxel     Abiraterone   Apalutamide    Enzalutamide   Darulotamide

             Blood Pressure                                      #                           

             Edema/Fluid retention                             #
             Risk of Falls                                                     

             PSA                                                                                           $

             Liver function tests                  ‡              $                                           $
             (transaminases, bilirubin)                                                                   
             Potassium/Electrolytes                              #                           

             TSH                                                                

             ECG                                                                          
             Imaging                                                                                       

             Bone mineral density/Risk of                                      

             Ischemic Heart Disease                                                          
             Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disorders                                

             Blood Glucose Monitoring                            +

             Complete Blood Count                 ‡                                                         $
             Renal Function Tests                                                                            $

             #  Monthly.
             $  Prior to starting treatment, 2 weeks for the first 3 months, then monthly.
             ‡  Baseline, then before each dose.
             &  Baseline, then per routine practice.
              Monitor regularly during the treatment.
              If co-administered with anticoagulant metabolized by CYP2C9 (*e.g. warfarin, acenocoumarol), additional INR monitoring should be conducted.
             +  In patients with pre-existing diabetes receiving concomitant medications such as repaglinide or pioglitazone.


          • PSA progression: ≥25% PSA increase and ≥2 ng/mL above nadir, confirm by second value ≥3 weeks later.
          • If not done yet, urologist to consider ordering somatic and germline genetic testing, and referral to medical oncology.

           This tool card has been made possible through funding from Janssen in the form of an educational grant.

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