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CUAJ – CUA Best Practice Report                                                          Guo et al
                                                                                    BPL: AML management

            approach may be considered in patients that are hemodynamically unstable despite adequate supportive
                   Acutely hemorrhaging AML in a pregnant woman is an extremely uncommon yet complex
            emergency that should be treated by a multidisciplinary team. In a hemodynamically stable patient, with
            no sign of fetal distress, conservative management in a monitored setting can be attempted.
            Embolization and surgery are both options. In general, embolization offers a less invasive option, but
            factors such as fetal distress and maturity may make surgery the preferable option if an emergent C-
            section is mandated. 42

            Sporadic AMLs are seen and managed by most practicing urologists. The vast majority of these can be
            diagnosed radiologically with CT or MRI. While the risk of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage is
            present, this is much lower than originally described. Surveillance is a reasonable option in many of
            these cases. Despite the low level of evidence available, the previously prescribed strict 4 cm size cut off
            for active intervention management is not supported by evidence in contemporary series. There is no
            evidence for the superiority of surgery or embolization for treatment. A proposed management algorithm
            is presented in Fig. 2.
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