Page 3 - Diagnosis and management of radiation-induced hemorrhagic cystitis
P. 3


            •    Hemorrhagic cystitis refers to a collection of symptoms and signs

                 defined by hematuria, lower urinary tract symptoms, and cystoscopic

                 findings indicative of underlying urothelial damage.

            •    It can have a number underlying causative factors, including  treatment

                 with chemotherapeutic agents, such as cyclophosphamide and
                 concurrent therapies, post-transplant patients, infection-mediated, as

                 well as treatment with radiation therapy.

            •    Radiation-induced hemorrhagic cystitis (RHC) is often an adverse

                 event in patients with previous radiation to the pelvis for urological or

                 gynecological malignancy and is the focus of this best practice report.
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