Page 2 - Dysfunctional Elimination in Children
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Dysfunctional elimination in children

        A child who is constipated will often tense the pelvic    The treatment will generally involve ensuring that
        floor muscles to avoid stool accidents or to avoid        your child is drinking adequate amounts of fluid
        having a painful bowel movement. These muscles also       and consuming a balanced diet with plenty of fruit,
        control bladder emptying and, as a result, bladder        vegetables and fibre. Such a plan should give your
        function may be affected. For this reason, urinary        child a healthy foundation for the future and promote
        infection and wetting may be related to constipation.     proper bowel evacuation.
        Bladder and bowel problems often occur together
        and must be treated together.                             When bowel function does not improve with dietary
                                                                  measures alone, a laxative is often recommended.
        Investigations                                            Ensuring regular soft bowel movements is crucial to
                                                                  children developing normal, healthy habits.
        Your doctor’s assessment is the first step toward         Your child should be encouraged to void regularly,
        making a diagnosis and developing a treatment             every two to three hours, to prevent bladder
        plan. Your child’s bladder and bowel habits will be       overfilling. The bladder should be emptied
        reviewed in detail. A voiding diary, recording times      immediately upon getting up in the morning and at
        and amounts of urine voided, often will provide useful    bedtime every night.
        information. Physical examination may be helpful to
        uncover an underlying physical problem. Your doctor       In some cases, medication may be recommended
        may recommend other investigations, as necessary.         along with the above measures. If your child has an
                                                                  overactive bladder, a bladder relaxant medication,
        Treatment                                                 may decrease the urge to void and increase storage
        The aim of treatment for dysfunctional elimination is
        to normalize bladder and bowel function, decreasing       The good news is that most children overcome their
        or preventing daytime and nighttime urine accidents,      dysfunctional elimination problem. In the vast majority,
        bowel accidents and urinary tract infections. Often,      there is no permanent damage to bladder, kidney
        a prolonged course of treatment (months to years),        or bowel function. The condition can be frustrating
        and ongoing parental patience and support are             for parents and children given that improvement
        necessary to ensure success.                              proceeds slowly. A dedicated doctor along with
                                                                  your encouragement and support will go a long way
                                                                  toward helping your child learn to void and defecate

                  Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________________




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