Page 2 - Radical Prostatectomy - Discharge Instructions
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Radical prostatectomy

             Discharge instructions


        Most men will be prescribed a strong painkiller such      Starting pelvic floor exercises (Kegel) soon after the
        as acetaminophen with codeine (e.g. Tylenol #3™)          catheter is removed may help you gain bladder
        to be used as needed. Milder painkillers such as          control earlier. The success of these Kegel exercises
        acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol™) or ibuprofen (e.g.          depends on proper technique and some men have
        Advil™) may be used for lesser discomfort.                difficulty identifying and isolating the muscles of the
                                                                  pelvic floor after surgery. Care must be taken to learn
        You may be advised to take iron tablets to speed          to contract the correct muscles. These would be the
        the restoration of any blood lost at surgery.             same group of muscles that you would use if you
        Antibiotics may also be prescribed. Please take these     needed to suddenly stop your urine stream (you do
        medications as advised by your urologist.                 not however normally do these exercises while you
                                                                  are voiding). Often, men contract the abdominal
        You should be able to continue with your usual            or thigh muscles, while not working the pelvic floor
        medications. If you are on blood thinners, you should     muscles. Once you find the correct muscles, try
        discuss with your urologist when to resume these drugs    squeezing them hard for a count of three to ten
        as they may increase the risk of bleeding after surgery.  seconds, and then let them relax. Try increasing the
                                                                  number and time of these squeezes and continue
        Follow-up                                                 these several times a day.  For example, suppose you
                                                                  start by being able to do only five strong squeezes:
        Arrangements will be made for you to be seen              try doing three sets of five once or twice a day for a
        usually within a few weeks from the date of surgery       week, and then try increasing your Kegel exercises to
        for removal of your catheter. Your catheter should be     three sets of eight strong squeezes.
        removed only under the direction of your urologist. This
        involves deflating the catheter balloon after which       All of the tissue removed at surgery will be carefully
        it should slide out easily with minimal discomfort. It is   examined to determine the extent of prostate cancer
        quite common to have dribbling leakage of urine for       within the gland. The report of this examination will
        a while after the catheter is removed. An absorbent       be discussed with your urologist at your follow-up
        pad, purchased from any pharmacy, should be               appointment.
        available when your catheter is removed. After the
        catheter is removed, should you have any difficulty       Please arrange your follow-up appointment as soon
        urinating, you should contact your urologist.             as possible after your discharge from hospital.


             Please contact your urologist’s office within the next week to arrange for a follow-up appointment
        in _________ weeks/months.

             Your follow-up appointment has been arranged for __________________________ (time)

        on ___________________________________ (date) at _______________________________________________________(location)

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        The information in the publication is not intended to convey medical advice or to substitute for direct consultation with a qualified medical
        practitioner. The Canadian Urological Association disclaims all liability and legal responsibility howsoever caused, including negligence, for the
        information contained in or referenced by this brochure.                                     29E-RPDE-06-10
        © 2014. Canadian Urological Association. All rights reserved.
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