Page 2 - Trans-urethral Resection of the Prostate
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Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

        After your surgery                                        When you go home
        When the operation is completed, you will spend           When you go home, you should avoid any heavy
        about one to two hours in the Recovery Room until it is   lifting (over 10 kg or 20 lb.), strenuous physical activity
        safe to return to your room on the ward where you will    and sexual activity for about four weeks. It is also
        be allowed to eat and drink. In some cases, you may       important to avoid becoming constipated. Don’t be
        be able to be discharged home the same day.               surprised to see blood in the urine or even small blood
                                                                  clots for up to six weeks after the surgery. Continue to
        The catheter is usually left in place for one or two days   drink large amounts of fluids (about 8 ounces every
        until the drainage is fairly clear. During that time, you   two hours while awake) to flush out the bladder
        may continue to have the bladder flushed with a           regularly, unless advised otherwise by your doctor. By
        water solution. There is some discomfort, usually mild,   six to eight weeks after your TURP, you should notice a
        associated with having the catheter in the bladder        significant improvement in your voiding pattern and
        and there may be occasional bladder cramping.             urine flow.
        This can often be controlled with medication. When
        you are voiding satisfactorily, you will be discharged,   Risks and complications
        usually about one to three days after your operation.     There is a small risk of infection requiring treatment
        Some men are sent home with a catheter which will
        be removed in a few days.                                 with antibiotics and, rarely, bleeding can require
                                                                  blood transfusion or the need to go back to the
        After the catheter is removed, you may find that the      operating room.
        control of your urination is imperfect: you may have      Most men have no change in their ability to have
        urgency, voiding discomfort, and urinary dribbling. This
        usually resolves in a few weeks when the inflammation     an erection after a TURP. Frequently, the volume of
        clears and the control muscles strengthen.                semen is reduced due to backward flow into the
                                                                  bladder at orgasm: retrograde ejaculation. This should
                                                                  not affect your enjoyment or that of your partner.

                                                                  On occasion, men may have persistent poor control
                                                                  of urination after a TURP. This may require treatment
                                                                  with medication or more surgery. Abnormal scarring
                                                                  or prostate regrowth occasionally may require further
                                                                  evaluation and treatment in the future.
        Your TURP has been scheduled for:





        Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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        The information in the publication is not intended to convey medical advice or to substitute for direct consultation with a qualified medical
        practitioner. The Canadian Urological Association disclaims all liability and legal responsibility howsoever caused, including negligence, for the
        information contained in or referenced by this brochure.                                     30E-TRPE-01-14
        © 2014. Canadian Urological Association. All rights reserved.
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