Page 2 - Male Hormone Replacement
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Male hormone replacement

                                                                  Testosterone may promote prostate enlargement
              brain                                               and an increase in PSA level (the blood test used to
                                                                  help detect prostate cancer). No clear link has been
                                                                  demonstrated between testosterone replacement
                                                                  and prostate cancer or the development of voiding
                                                                  difficulty from prostate enlargement.
              muscle                      system                  It has been recommended that men on testosterone
                                                                  supplementation be monitored regularly, which may
              liver                                               include blood tests, for these problems during the first
                                                                  year of treatment and then at least yearly afterwards.

                                                                  How do I take testosterone?
              penis                       testicle
                                                                  Testosterone supplementation is available in a
              bone                                                number of forms. Although no form of testosterone
                                                                  supplementation can mimic the normal hourly and
                                                                  day-to-day variations in hormone secretion by the
                                                                  testicles, testosterone levels can be reliably increased
                                                                  by injection (typically every few weeks) or the daily
                                                                  application of a skin patch, gel, underarm solution
                                                                  or cream. Tablets, although convenient, may be less
                                      Roula Drossis               reliable at restoring a normal testosterone level.

                                                                  The significance of normal testosterone reduction with
                                                                  age and the role of testosterone supplementation
                                                                  therapy can be confusing. Replacement therapy can
                                                                  be beneficial but it requires regular monitoring for the
        Changes in risk factors for heart and blood vessel        detection of any adverse effects. These issues should
        disease have been identified with the use of              be considered and discussed with your physician.
        testosterone supplementation; some are thought to
        be beneficial and some unfavourable. The overall
        effect of these changes is unclear.

        Blood levels of hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying
        component of blood) may rise, possibly increasing the
        risk of blood clots. In men with sleep apnea (pauses
        in breathing while asleep), the problem may worsen
        while on testosterone replacement therapy.

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        The information in the publication is not intended to convey medical advice or to substitute for direct consultation with a qualified medical
        practitioner. The Canadian Urological Association disclaims all liability and legal responsibility howsoever caused, including negligence, for the
        information contained in or referenced by this brochure.                                     33E-MHSE-01-14
        © 2014. Canadian Urological Association. All rights reserved.
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