Page 3 - Kidney Tumours
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Kidney tumours

        After kidney surgery                                      Follow-up

        After kidney surgery, hospitalization is usually a        After surgery for kidney cancer, you should be
        few days but can vary depending on the type of            evaluated periodically by your physician to ensure
        procedure. Complete recovery with return to normal        that there is no recurrence of cancer or other
        function may take as long as three months, although       problem. This may involve blood tests and imaging
        many are able to return to work in six to eight weeks.    of your lungs and abdomen. No further treatment is
                                                                  necessary for tumours confined to the kidney.
        Usually, following nephrectomy, the remaining kidney
        provides adequate function such that one can live a
        normal life. Dialysis is rarely necessary.

        For anyone with only one kidney, it is important to
        prevent and treat any other health problem, such as
        high blood pressure or diabetes, which may damage
        the remaining kidney. Certain medications may
        affect kidney health after surgery and these should be
        reviewed with your doctor.

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        The information in the publication is not intended to convey medical advice or to substitute for direct consultation with a qualified medical
        practitioner. The Canadian Urological Association disclaims all liability and legal responsibility howsoever caused, including negligence, for the
        information contained in or referenced by this brochure.                                     36E-KTUE-07-14
        © 2014. Canadian Urological Association. All rights reserved.
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