Page 8 - Management of Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma: Emerging Therapies and Biomarkers
P. 8

The Treatment Landscape for mUC is Evolving

                              2016                               2016-                                2018
                                                                  2017                                  +

                                                              4 Checkpoint                    Newly approved and
                         Chemotherapy                      Inhibitors Approved                 emerging therapies
                                                                 for UC *

               < 2016, no major improvements in       Use of checkpoint inhibitors          Management algorithm
                    therapeutic efficacy for                constitutes most            incorporates new treatments and
                 metastatic UC seen in the past  substantial change in management                   required
                           30+ years                               for                          biomarker testing
                                                            bladder cancer

         *Some checkpoint inhibitors are approved as line 1 therapy for cisplatin-ineligible patients; all are approved as 2 nd  line therapy.
          mUC, metastatic urothelial cancer.
   article.html. Accessed October 30, 2018; Cheetham PJ and Petrylak DP. Oncology. 2016;30(6):571–9,588.
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