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2020 CUA Abstracts

         POD-2.5. Table 1. Whole cohort statistics and comparison of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative variables
         between BCR negative and BCR positive groups using Pearson’s chi-squared test or independent-samples Mann-Whitney
         U hypothesis testing
         Variable                                     Whole cohort  BCR-negative group  BCR-positive group  p
                                                        167 pts      135 pts (80.9%)  32 pts (19.1%)
         Age at diagnosis          Years, mean (SD)     60.6 (5.6)     60.2 (5.4)       62.6 (5.8)     0.008
         Body mass index           kg/m , mean (SD)     27.2 (5.2)     27.2 (5.9)       26.7(3.5)       0.84
         Preoperative PSA            ng/mL (SD)         6.9 (3.5)       6.7 (3.3)        7.7 (4.1)      0.24
         TRUS prostate volume      mL , mean (SD)       38.5 (20)      39.6 (21.4)      33.7(12.7)      0.17
         PSA density            (ng/mL/mL ), mean (SD)  0.21(0.13)     0.20 (0.13)      0.24(0.14)      0.03
         Clinical stage              cT1c, n (%)          124          105 (84.7)       19 (15.3)       0.01
                                     cT2a, n (%)          31           23 (74.2)         8 (25.8)
                                     cT2b, n (%)           9            6 (66.7)         3 (33.3)
                                     cT2c, n (%)           2             0 (0)           2 (100)
                                     cT3a, n (%)           1            1 (100)           0 (0)
         Preoperative Gleason score   6, n (%)            43           38 (88.4)         5 (11.6)       0.31
                                    7 (3+4), n (%)        76           65 (85.5)        11 (14.5)
                                    7 (4+3), n (%)        29           19 (65.5)        10 (34.5)
                                      8, n (%)            16           11 (68.8)         5 (31.2)
                                      9, n (%)             3            2 (66.7)         1 (33.3)
         Preoperative CAPRA risk     Low, n (%)           58           49 (84.5)         9 (15.5)      0.007
                                  Intermediate, n (%)     89           75 (84.3)        14 (15.7)
                                     High, n (%)          20           11 (55.0)         9 (45.0)
         Pathological stage          pT2a, n (%)          11            11 (100)          0 (0)         0.16
                                     pT2b, n (%)          16           10 (62.5)         6 (37.5)
                                     pT2c, n (%)          81           67 (82.7)        14 (17.3)
                                     pT3a, n (%)          61           41 (67.2)        10 (32.8)
                                     pT3b, n (%)           8            6 (75.0)         2 (25.0)
         Postoperative Gleason        6, n (%)            23           22 (95.6)         1 (4.4)        0.41
         score                      7 (3+4), n (%)        100          81 (81.0)        19 (19.0)
                                    7 (4+3), n (%)        26           21 (80.8)         5 (19.2)
                                      8, n (%)             9            4 (44.4)         5 (55.6)
                                      9, n (%)             9            7 (77.8)         2 (22.2)
         Extracapsular extension    Positive, n (%)       55           45 (81.8)        10 (18.2)       0.82
         Seminal vesicle invasion   Positive, n (%)        8            6 (75.0)         2 (25.0)       0.66
         Margin                     Positive, n (%)       47           30 (63.8)        17 (36.2)      0.000
         Lymph node invasion        Positive, n (%)        2            1 (50.0)         1 (50.0)       0.34
         Postoperative CAPRA-S       Low, n (%)           75           65 (86.6)        10 (13.4)      0.003
         risk                     Intermediate, n (%)     76           62 (81.6)        14 (18.4)
                                     High, n (%)          16            8 (50.0)         8 (50.0)
        ratio [HR] 2.7; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.6–3.82; p=0.013] (Table 3).
        Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that a considerable number of men
        have detectable PSA values ranging between 0.01 and 0.1 ng/ml post-
        RARP. They can still be followed regularly to avoid patients’ anxiety and
        unnecessary radiotherapy. Close followup is still required.

        S30                                     CUAJ • June 2020 • Volume 14, Issue 6(Suppl2)
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