Page 20 - Kidney Cancer Research Network of Canada (KCRNC) consensus statement on the role of cytoreductive nephrectomy for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
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CUAJ – Consensus Statement                                                                         Mason et al
                                                             KCRNC consensus: Cytoreductive nephrectomy for mRCC

                   14 exp survival analysis/                                                     305801
                   15 (surviv* or death* or mortalit* or fatalit*).mp.                           5568550

                   16 or/10-15                                                                   5896880
                   17 9 and 16                                                                   3998

                      limit 17 to english language [Limit not valid in CDSR; records were
                   18                                                                            3472
                   19 limit 18 to yr="2004 -Current"                                             2852

                      limit 19 to (letter or conference abstract or editorial or erratum or note or
                      addresses or autobiography or bibliography or biography or blogs or
                      comment or dictionary or directory or interactive tutorial or interview or
                      lectures or legal cases or legislation or news or newspaper article or overall
                   20 or patient education handout or periodical index or portraits or published   871
                      erratum or video-audio media or webcasts) [Limit not valid in
                      Embase,CCTR,CDSR,Ovid MEDLINE(R),Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily
                      Update,Ovid MEDLINE(R) In-Process,Ovid MEDLINE(R) Publisher;
                      records were retained]

                   21 19 not 20                                                                  1981

                   22 (exp animals/ or exp nonhuman/) not exp humans/                            9466935
                      ((alpaca or alpacas or amphibian or amphibians or animal or animals or
                      antelope or armadillo or armadillos or avian or baboon or baboons or beagle
                      or beagles or bee or bees or bird or birds or bison or bovine or buffalo or
                      buffaloes or buffalos or "c elegans" or "Caenorhabditis elegans" or camel or
                      camels or canine or canines or carp or cats or cattle or chick or chicken or
                      chickens or chicks or chimp or chimpanze or chimpanzees or chimps or cow
                      or cows or "D melanogaster" or "dairy calf" or "dairy calves" or deer or dog
                      or dogs or donkey or donkeys or drosophila or "Drosophila melanogaster" or
                      duck or duckling or ducklings or ducks or equid or equids or equine or
                   23                                                                            8138953
                      equines or feline or felines or ferret or ferrets or finch or finches or fish or
                      flatworm or flatworms or fox or foxes or frog or frogs or "fruit flies" or
                      "fruit fly" or "G mellonella" or "Galleria mellonella" or geese or gerbil or
                      gerbils or goat or goats or goose or gorilla or gorillas or hamster or hamsters
                      or hare or hares or heifer or heifers or horse or horses or insect or insects or
                      jellyfish or kangaroo or kangaroos or kitten or kittens or lagomorph or
                      lagomorphs or lamb or lambs or llama or llamas or macaque or macaques or
                      macaw or macaws or marmoset or marmosets or mice or minipig or
                      minipigs or mink or minks or monkey or monkeys or mouse or mule or
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23