Page 14 - Practical Considerations to Health Professional-Led Advocacy
P. 14

Pillars of Advocacy

           1. Identify your issue (Vision-Why)

                  o Research the issue and present
                      information with clear facts backed up by

                      credible sources.

                  o Understanding the issue will build
                      credibility. What is the most important part

                      of the issue, (access to drug, health

                      professional, diagnostic)                                           Less is more so be SMART: Specific
                                                                                              on an issue, not all issues. Make
                            ✓ Identify the solution/goal. What do you

                                want to achieve?                                           sure that your goal is Achievable,
                            ✓ Present a personal story or anecdote that                               Measurable, Realistic and
                                highlights the challenges you are looking to  achievable in a Timely manner.
                                address and provide the solution.
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