Page 15 - CUA 2020_Functional Urology
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2020 CUA Abstracts

           A              B            C                     between the rectum and the prostate, and adding an additional “normal”
                                                             prostate model.
                                                             Conclusions: Silicone prostate models and DRE task trainers created from
                                                             3D molds are an economical anatomically and tactically accurate training
                                                             tool to teach and maintain DRE skills as compared to commercially avail-
                                                             able, cost-prohibitive models. With suggested modifications made, the
                                                             prostate models and DRE task trainer could potentially be used as a future
                                                             tool for clinical skills training and maintenance and for patient education.
        UP-3.25. Fig. 1. (A) Designed prostate models; (B, C) The buttocks were iso-
        lated from the human model and an anal canal was designed with a larger
        cavity on the interior to hold the silicone prostate models to simulate a real

        S78                                     CUAJ • June 2020 • Volume 14, Issue 6(Suppl2)
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