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CUAJ redesign

       ments of the manuscript instantly. A helpful articulation   modern, and more useful design to freshen CUAJ. Hot
       of these principles comes from designer and author   take perhaps, but I think formatted, static documents
       Robin Williams.  To avoid crappy design, think CRAP:   will remain users’ preference despite software and
       contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Contrast   screens’ ability to enrich with multimedia, annotation,
       in our case means differentiating titles, subheadings, and   and selective disclosure of information. Having all of the
       larger elements like author names and abstracts, and   information in front of you risks bafflement, but with
       adding subtle backgrounds within tables to showcase   these described design choices and principles, naviga-
       different parts of the paper. Repetition means unity   tion is easy, and comprehensiveness becomes a boon
       between like elements, here most obviously section   rather than a hassle.
       headings and subheadings to ease scanning. Alignment   Like any good paper, we must highlight limitations
       speaks to the full justification of the text, as well as   (in this case concessions). Surely, 20-point text would
       keeping titles and callouts aligned with other elements   be more legible for all accessibility levels, but only
       to avoid visual disquiet. Proximity means subtle separa-  at the per-word level. We strike a balance between
       tion of the last line of a section from the header and   words-per-line and text size that allows flow when
       first line of the next section, as well as the bundling of   reading. Uniform contrast levels might avoid jarring
       all the separate elements (similar to contrast). For all   effects to some eyes. Designing every element from
       designers, these are fundamental choices whose com-  an accessibility-only perspective would yield a Voltron
       bination gives the overall feel and flow unique to each   much less usable for the huge majority of readers, and
       journal or imprint.                          an aesthetic imbroglio akin to The Homer, which sank
         Using these principles, in addition to the aesthetic   Powell Motors in 1991.
       choices of color and typeface, makes for more readable,   Welcome to this new chapter for CUAJ. We hope
       usable papers. Readers can move more quickly to the   you like the look and feel, and perhaps some new
       elements of the paper they wish to access and move   insight into how they arise.
       about the paper without the extraneous load of clut-
       tered, misaligned, or ambiguous formatting. Choosing   REFERENCE
       narrower columns and a lighter type also increases   1.	  Robin	Williams.	The	Non-Designer’s	Design	Book,	4th	Ed.	(Berkeley,	California:	Peachpit
       white space, which is both visually less cluttered than   Press,	2014).
       the prior design and gives you space for your thumbs   CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Michael Leveridge, Department of Urology,
       when you’re poring over paper after paper (as we all   Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada;
       do). Overall, we think we’ve achieved a handsome,

       8   CUAJ  •  FEBRUARY 2023  •  VOLUME 17, ISSUE 2
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