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Award of Merit

           CUA Award of Merit to Dr. Rob Siemens
                          At the first ever virtual CUA Night School   was part of the CUA Scientific Program Committee on
                          event this past June, Dr. Rob Siemens was   three separate occasions, serving as co-Chair in 2017.
                          honoured with the CUA Award of Merit.
                          The Award of Merit recognizes impactful   In 2012, he took over the reins of CUAJ, following in the
                          and long-term contributions in service to   footsteps of one of his mentors, Dr. Laurence Klotz. During
                          the CUA. Approved by the CUA Board, it   his two terms as Editor-in-Chief, the journal’s trajectory of
                          is not given annually, but rather reserved   growth and impact accelerated to new heights.
                          for exceptional circumstances — and this   In addition to all his work with the CUA, Rob has been
                          recipient is undoubtedly exceptional.   President of the Northeastern Section of the AUA, is Head
           Rob’s contributions to the CUA would, as Dr. Mike Leveridge   of the Queen’s Department of Urology, an active member
           put it during the award presentation, “exhaust an auctioneer.”  of Urologic Research Society, and a widely published
                                                                  author. He remains at the forefront of academic urology,
           He has served the CUA for most of his career, with roles on   runs a busy clinical practice, and is ever-present and
           several committees, including: the CUASF, for which he acted   engaged in teaching and training.
           as Administrative Council Chair and grant reviewer; Patient
           Information Committee; Guidelines Committee; Annual    In all of these roles, he has and continues to excel, and is
           Meeting Planning Committee; Health Policy Committee; and   certainly deserving of this prestigious accolade.

                      Inaugural Presidential Citation Award

            The CUA Award of Merit and Lifetime Achievement Award are intended to honor significant cumulative contributions
            of CUA members over a career. None of the awards, however, allow us to honor an individual for a singularly significant
            contribution or achievement, nor are non-members usually considered. Moreover, younger CUA members are typically not
            considered for either award. The CUA Awards Committee, therefore, proposed and the Board approved the creation of a
            new award called the “Presidential Citation.” Draft terms of reference are as follows:

            The CUA Presidential Citation:
               i.   is an award that recognizes a singularly outstanding contribution by an individual in support of the CUA’s mission
               ii.   may be conferred on a CUA corporate office staff member, CUA member in any category, or an individual
                 contracted to support the CUA’s activities
              iii.   is nominated at the discretion of the incumbent CUA President
              iv.   nomination is reviewed and conferred by the Awards Committee
              v.   is not necessarily presented annually, but to be based upon a particularly impactful effort in support of the CUA’s vision
              vi.   will be presented to the recipient at the President’s Banquet
              vii.   recipient would be notified of the award prior to the time of presentation

                          The Inaugural CUA Presidential Citation to Tiffany Pizioli

                          After deliberation of potential nominees,   the CUA have been clearly evident, as the CUA has been
                          the Awards Committee recommended the    able to weather the storm created by the pandemic.
                          inaugural Presidential Citation to be    Despite cancellation of our annual meeting and the
                          bestowed upon our association’s CEO,    disruption of many of our CME events, the financial
                          Ms. Tiffany Pizioli, for her exemplary   viability of our association remains strong due to her
                          leadership and stewardship of the CUA   individual efforts. The award was presented to Tiffany at
                          throughout the COVID crisis. Tiffany’s vision,   the CUA virtual summer board meeting in August.
                          communication skills, and dedication to

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