Page 7 - CUA 2020_Onco_Testis-Kidney-Urothelial
P. 7

Moderated Posters 3: Uro-Oncology

        Conclusions: Large renal masses (>4 cm) appear to have more aggres-  taneously into the right flank. To quantify the metastatic burden of 786-0
        sive cancer biology than their smaller counterparts (<4 cm), as reflected   C14orf142 KO or scramble cells in distal organs, qPCR was performed
        by a higher growth rate. However, metastatic rates and cancer-specific   with primers specific for human Alu repeats. For statistical analysis, t-test
        mortality are low in carefully selected patients on AS.  was used to evaluate differences between groups with p≤0.05 accepted
                                                             as statistically significant.
        MP-3.9                                               Results: The CRISPR-Cas 9 targeted genomic editing resulted in generation
                                                             of 786-0 clones with complete KO of C14orf142. Compared to 786-0
        A novel nuclear protein as a therapeutic target to block metastasis   scramble clones, C14orf142 KO clones demonstrated significant reduc-
        of clear-cell renal cell carcinoma                   tion in extravasation on the avian embryo model (100% vs 46.33±8.37%,
        Jan K. Rudzinski , Natasha Govindasamy , Konstantin Stoletov , Arun   respectively, n=6, p≤0.05). Compared to NSG mice injected with 786-0
        Raturi , John D Lewis 2                              scramble clones, NSG mice implanted with 786-0 C14orf142 KO clones
        1 Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Alberta,   demonstrated significant reduction in distant metastatic burden to lungs
        Edmonton, AB, Canada;  Department of Oncology, University of Alberta,   (2∆∆CT 1.00+0.34 vs 0.08+0.01, respectively, n=10, p≤0.05), liver
        Edmonton, AB, Canada                                 (2∆∆CT 1.00+0.04 vs 0.52+0.14, respectively, n=10, p≤0.05), and brain
        Support: Kidney Cancer Research Network and Kidney Cancer Canada   (2∆∆CT 1.00+0.17 vs 0.27+0.06, respectively, n=10, p≤0.05).
        Research Grant                                       Conclusions: A novel nuclear protein, C14orf142, may play an important
        Introduction: Whole human genome screen on human squamous cell   role in cRCC vascular extravasation and distant metastasis in vivo.
        carcinoma cells identified a panel of novel functional genes required for
        metastatic dissemination in vivo. One such novel protein target encodes
        for C14orf142, which is upregulated in metastatic clear-cell RCC (cRCC).   MP-3.10
        The objective was to characterize its impact on cRCC vascular extravasa-  DDX41 expression induces worse prognosis and sensitivity to
        tion and distant metastasis in vivo.                 nivolumab via sting signaling activation in clear-cell renal cell
        Methods: cRCC cell lines, 786-0, were obtained from ATCC. Targeted   carcinoma
        genomic editing to knockout (KO) C14orf142 was achieved with CRISPR-  Kenichiro Ikeda , Kohei Kobatake , Tetsutaro Hayashi , Jun Teishima , Akio
        Cas 9 system. To study cancer cell vascular extravasation in vivo, 786-0   Matsubara 1
        cells were injected intravenously into fertilized avian embryos. To deter-  1 Urology, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan
        mine the impact of C14orf142 KO on in vivo spontaneous metastasis, a   Introduction: Mutations of chromosome 3p, such as PBRM1, SETD2,
        xenograft NSG nude mouse model was used. Six million 786-0 CRISPR   and BAP1, have emerged as prognostic biomarker in clear-cell renal
        KO or scramble clones were suspended in Matrigel and injected subcu-  cell carcinoma (ccRCC).  However, the response immune checkpoint
         MP-3.10. Table 1. Patient demographics
                               DDX41 alteration           THEM173 alteration            IRF3 alteration
                              (+) n=49  (–) n=397  p      (+) n=26  (–) n=420  p     (+) n=23  (–) n=423  p
         Gene alterations
           Mutation            0 (0)     —                 0 (0)     —                 0 (0)     —
           mRNA expression high  48 (10.8)  —             26 (5.8)   —                23 (5.2)   —
           mRNA expression low  1 (0.2)  —                 0 (0)     —                 0 (0)     —
           Male               30 (61.2)  260 (65.5)  0.556  19 (73.1)  271 (64.5)  0.375  15 (65.2)  275 (65.0)  0.984
           Female             19 (38.8)  137 (34.5)       7 (26.9)  149 (35.5)        8 (34.8)  148 (35.0)
         Diagnosis age
           ≤50                8 (16.3)  85 (21.4)  0.064  3 (11.5)  90 (21.4)  0.380  5 (21.7)  88 (20.8)  0.876
           51–60              12 (24.5)  118 (29.7)      10 (38.5)  120 (28.6)        7 (30.4)  123 (29.1)
           61–70              9 (18.4)  107 (27.0)        9 (34.6)  107 (25.5)        4 (17.4)  112 (26.5)
           71–80              17 (34.7)  71 (17.9)        4 (15.4)  84 (20.0)         6 (26.1)  82 (19.3)
           >81                 3 (6.1)  16 (4.0)           0 (0)   19 (4.5)           1 (4.3)  18 (4.3)
           G1                  0 (0)    9 (2.3)  <0.0001   0 (0)    9 (2.1)  0.056     0 (0)   9 (2.1)   0.052
           G2                 11 (22.4)  178 (44.8)       7 (26.9)  182 (43.3)        5 (21.7)  184 (43.5)
           G3                 19 (38.8)  156 (39.3)      10 (38.5)  165 (39.3)       10 (43.5)  165 (39.0)
           G4                 19 (38.8)  49 (12.3)        9 (34.6)  59 (14.1)         8 (34.8)  60 (14.2)
           NA                  0 (0)    5 (1.3)            0 (0)    5 (1.2)            0 (0)   5 (1.2)
           I                  10 (20.4)  206 (51.9)  0.001  10 (38.4)  206 (49.0)  0.006  7 (30.4)  209 (49.4)  0.246
           II                 7 (14.3)  39 (9.8)           0 (0)   46 (11.0)          2 (8.7)  44 (10.4)
           III                20 (40.8)  91 (22.9)        7 (26.9)  104 (24.8)        9 (39.1)  102 (24.1)
           IV                 12 (24.5)  59 (14.9)        8 (30.8)  63 (15.0)         5 (21.7)  66 (15.6)
           NA                  0 (0)    2 (0.5)           1 (3.8)   1 (0.2)            0 (0)   2 (0.5)

                                                CUAJ • June 2020 • Volume 14, Issue 6(Suppl2)                S93
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