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                                                                              Management of testicular germ cell cancer

          Table 3. Summary of surveillance studies in stage I seminoma

                                                Median                    No. patients                Cause-specific
          Author                   Year                     No. patients                 Relapse, %
                                             follow-up (mo)                 relapse                    survival, %
          Daugaard 13              2003           60            394           69            17.5          100
          Germa Lluch 14           2002           33            233           38            16            100
          Horwich 15               1992           62            103           17            16.5          100
          Oliver 16                2001           98            110           21            19            100
          Ramakrishnan 17          1992           44            72            13            18            100
          Von der Maase 18         1993           48            261           49            18.8          98.9
          Warde 19                 2005           98            421           64            15.2          99.7
          Tyldesley 20             2006           33            93            16            17.2          97.8

         largest study of second cancers in long-term survivors of  ment strategy. The Medical Research Council in the United
         testicular cancer was conducted by Travis and colleagues  Kingdom has conducted a randomized phase III study of
         at  the  National  Cancer  Institute  Cancer  Epidemiology  1447 patients comparing adjuvant radiotherapy and a sin-
         Division. 35  This report combined 14 population-based reg-  gle course of carboplatin. 37  The relapse rate in both arms
         istries including 10 534 patients with seminoma (all stages)  of the study was similar at 3 years (3.4% radiotherapy vs.
         treated with radiotherapy. Compared with matched cohorts  4.6% carboplatin) with most of the recurrences in the car-
         from corresponding registries, the overall relative risk of a  boplatin arm occurring in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes.
         second non-testicular malignancy was 2.0 (95% CI 1.8–2.2).  One possible benefit of adjuvant carboplatin noted in this
         For a 35-year-old patient with seminoma, the cumulative  setting was a reduction in the incidence of second primary
         40-year risk of a second malignancy was 36%, compared  testicular GCTs. Data from other single institution series
         with 23% in the normal population. These results were  indicate that if adjuvant carboplatin is given in this setting,
         confirmed in a Dutch population-based study of more than  2 courses of treatment are likely necessary. 22,38  Even with
         2700 long-term GCT survivors in which the second malig-  2 cycles of carboplatin, a small but significant percentage
         nancy risk with subdiaphragmatic radiation therapy was  of patients recur in the retroperitoneum and the usefulness
         2.6-fold increased as compared to surgery alone. 36  The  of this approach is questionable. The relapse pattern after
         increased risk associated with radiation therapy was simi-  adjuvant single agent carboplatin mandates that continued
         lar to the increased cancer risk seen with smoking.    surveillance of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes is required
                                                                (similar to surveillance), and the reduction in relapse rates
         Adjuvant chemotherapy                                  is only from 15% with surveillance to 5% in those given
                                                                adjuvant  chemotherapy.  Eighty-five  percent  of  patients
         Adjuvant chemotherapy using 1 to 2 cycles of carboplatin  receive unnecessary treatment and the long-term toxicity
         has recently being investigated as an alternative manage-  and long-term control rates with this strategy are unknown.

                                                                Consensus recommendations
          Table 4. Adjuvant radiation therapy studies in stage I
                                                                Patients should be informed of all treatment options, includ-
                      Years of                                  ing the potential benefits and side effects of each treatment.
          Author               No. patients  Relapse, %  specific
                       study                                      In a patient willing and able to adhere to a surveillance
                                                   survival, %
                                                                program, this approach should be considered as the man-
          Bayens 23  1975-1985   132        4.5      99%
                                                                agement option of choice (Fig 1).
          Coleman 24  1980-1995  144        4.2      100%         A risk-adapted approach with surveillance for low-risk
          Fossa 25   1989-1993   478        3.8      100%       patients and treatment for those at higher risk of relapse
                                                                cannot be recommended at the present time; the prognos-
          Jones 26   1995-1998   625        3.5      9.6%
                                                                tic model on which this approach is based has not been
          Santoni 27  1970-1999  487        4.3     99.4%
                                                                validated and has poor discriminative ability.
          Warde 19   1981-2002   283        5        100%

                                                     CUAJ • April 2010 • Volume 4, Issue 2                      E23
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