Page 15 - Flipbook
P. 15

Physical Exam

                • Vitals:                                                                  • Resp:

                       ‒ BP: 96/55 mm Hg                                                          ‒ Lungs clear to auscultation with

                       ‒ HR: 88 bpm                                                                   no adventitious sounds

                       ‒ SpO2: 99% on room air                                             • GI:

                       ‒ RR: 18 breaths per min                                                   ‒ Abdomen showed well healed right

                       ‒ Afebrile                                                                     inguinal scar, soft non-tender, with

                                                                                                      no hepatosplenomegally or masses

                • CV:
                                                                                           • PV:

                       ‒ Normal S1, S2
                                                                                                  ‒ 1+ pedal edema bilateral

                       ‒ No S3, S4, murmurs
                                                                                                  ‒ Hyperpigmented skin

                                                                                BP, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; GI, gastrointestinal; HR, heart rate; PV, peripheral vascular; Resp, respiratory; RR, respiratory rate, S, heart sound.
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